CAD Modeling and Design Project Examples



  • ABS Approved Work Packages: Evaporator Installation, SSDG Circuit Breaker Installation, Cargo AC Plant Modification and VFD Installation
  • ABS Approved Drawing: UWILD Drawing

LCE performed engineering and design services for the Container & Roll-on/Roll-off vessel USNS 1st LT HARRY L. MARTIN (T-AK 3015). LCE developed a design for diesel generator circuit breaker replacements, AC plant modifications and an evaporator installation. As part of the entry requirements into the ABS Underwater Inspection In Lieu of Dry-docking (UWILD) program, LCE developed an UWILD drawing.

The output circuit breakers for the vessel’s diesel generators were originally installed with bolted connections and could not be removed for maintenance or repair without having to shut down all power on the ship. LCE performed a complete survey of the vessel, selected a suitable replacement and developed a drawing detailing the circuit breaker replacements. During the same site visit, LCE investigated a performance issue with the cargo hold air-conditioning plants. Several units were experiencing ruptured condenser tubes which had been attributed to poor process control stemming from the slow response of a regulating valve in the salt water cooling loop. LCE redesigned the AC plant piping to remove the regulating valve and added a salt water pump controlled by a variable speed drive to regulate the flow. All drawings were delivered with sufficient detail for a shipyard to properly estimate costs, procure materials, schedule labor, and accomplish the intent of the item, and conformed to all applicable USCG and ABS rules and regulations.

Periodically, a detachment of U.S. Marines deploys with the vessel, causing an increased demand for potable water. This demand was previously met with a Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit that was now providing an insufficient quantity of marginally acceptable water. LCE developed a new evaporator design, detailing the foundation and all piping connections which included salt water, fresh water, steam, and brine overboard. All electrical power and control wiring was sized and specified along with the necessary circuit protection devices.  

LCE developed an UWILD drawing. As part of the entry requirements into the ABS UWILD program the vessel must submit a drawing detailing all underwater hull fittings, markings, openings and components. LCE performed a survey of the vessel, documented all required items and received ABS approval for the completed drawing.



  • New drawings developed: Topside Arrangement
  • Existing drawings updated: Power System Elementary Wiring Diagram, List of Lighting Panels
  • Existing drawings converted from PDF to AutoCAD and updated: Shaft Arrangement, Stern Type & Strut Bearings, Shafting Details, Stern Tube Bearings, Struts, Rudder, Stern Tube & Bearing Castings, Rudder Details, Stern Assembly to 1st Platform Frames 47-66, Rudder Stock Forgings & Details, Rudder Stock Bearings & Carrier Details, Rudder Stock Arrangement, Refrigeration System 3rd Deck Fr. 35-43, Refrigeration System Machinery Room 1, Fresh Water Cooling System Diagram
  • Existing drawings converted from PDF to MS Excel: HVAC Calculations
  • Existing drawings converted from PDF to MS Excel and updated: Power System Load Analysis

LCE performed a complete detailed ship check of the USNS ZEUS. The ship check included an investigation of all electrical systems, shafting arrangements, refrigeration systems and the topside arrangement. The ship check team was split into three separate teams at the start. The first team worked to validate the electrical data; the second team worked to validate the shaft, stern, struts, and rudder drawings; and the third team worked to validate the refrigeration data and topside (antennas, radar, etc.) arrangement information. LCE delivered a ship check report detailing the status of all systems on board. Upon completion of the investigation phase, LCE provided both new and revised drawings, Power System Load Analysis (PSLA) and HVAC calculations.

LCE validated and updated the Power System Elementary Wiring Diagram in conjunction with the PSLA. All electrical loads were analyzed for Summer Day at 90°F, Standard Day at 70°F and Winter Day at 10°F conditions. LCE provided a new and updated, user-friendly MS Excel-based PSLA so that the customer could easily update this document for the addition or deletion of equipment. Members of the LCE design team have worked to create similar documents for various ship classes for the Navy, USCG and MSC in the past, including LHD 5, 8, USCG NSC, LPD 17, T-AGOS, T-AGS, and DDX.

LCE took the data accumulated from the topside arrangement survey performed during the ship check and combined it with the original Navigation Lights and Antenna Arrangement and Details to create a new Topside Arrangement Drawing. LCE design teams are very familiar with the work involved with this type of drawing production and evaluating, detailing and designing electrical components and systems on board ships or for buildings of all types.  

The ship check for this project was challenging because it required surveying, documenting and detailing numerous shipboard systems and spaces during a short window of availability. LCE’s experience and working knowledge of MSC vessels was instrumental in the formulation of efficient and effective teams to conduct and complete surveys quickly and accurately, supplying essential data for analysis and evaluation of the ship’s systems. This process transitions well to all projects, whether land or sea-based.

USNS WASHINGTON CHAMBERS (T-AKE  11) PSA Period – Engineering Support


  • Working and As-Built Drawings: Firemain Charging Pump Installation, LP Air Compressor Installation, Anchor Windlass Controls Relocation, RHIB Boat Engine Block Heater Installation, Cargo Fuel Piping Mods and Astern Refueling Station Relocation, Exterior Deck Ladder Installation, Reverse Osmosis System Installation,  Staging Area Ramp Extension, Load Center Security Cage Installation, UNREP Station Lighting Installation, Helicopter Hangar AFFF Controller Installation, Ship Service Air Receiver Piping Modifications, Cargo Potable Water Cross-Connect, Chilled Water Chemical Treatment System Installation, Fuel Oil Filter Piping Modifications, Cargo Fuel Recirculation Piping Modifications, MDG High Temp Fresh Water Vent Isolation, Cargo Refrigeration System Drain Line Installation, HP Air Cross-Connect to EDG Start Air System Modification
  • Redline Drawings: Lube Oil System Piping Arrangements and Details, Exterior Deck Ladder Installation, Side Port Pilot Access Door Installation, Interior Communication System Block Wiring Diagram, MCCS Data Communications and Power Distribution Diagram, Accommodation Lighting 05 & 06 Levels Block Wiring Diagram, Deck Machinery Block Wiring Diagram, Fire Main, Foam, Sprinkling and FM-200 System Diagrams, AFFF Foam Fire Fighting System Electrical Modifications, Electrical System One Line Diagram, Ship's Lighting Block Wiring Diagram, Interior Communications System Block Wiring Diagram, Ships Service and Control Air System Diagram, Fuel Fill, Transfer, and Purification System Diagram, Motor Operated Control Valves Block Wiring Diagram, Cargo Fuel Systems Diagram, Auxiliary Seawater Services System Diagram, Distilled Water Transfer System Diagram, Distilling Plant System Diagram, Reverse Osmosis System Installation, Ships Service and Control Air System Diagram, AC Chilled Water System Diagram, Cargo Fuel Systems Diagram, Emergency Diesel Generator Services Diagram, High Pressure Air System Diagram, MSD Tank Radar Level Indicators, Fire Main System Diagram, Diesel Generator Fuel Service

LCE provided engineering, design and drafting services for the post shipyard availability (PSA) of the USNS WASHINGTON CHAMBERS (T-AKE 11). Multiple ship checks were performed to create working, redline and as-built drawings.

LCE performed a detailed ship check at the beginning of the availability in order to document the existing condition of the vessel and to survey 18 work packages requiring 21 working drawings. Vessel systems surveyed included electrical power distribution, lighting, compressed air, firefighting, deck machinery, fuel oil, structural, cargo handling, potable water, chilled water, and refrigeration. The working drawings developed were provided to the shipyard to assist in the detail design development and accomplishment of the work required by the work packages.

Approximately two weeks before the end of the PSA period, LCE performed a second ship check of the vessel. The primary focus of this ship check was to document all changes to the vessel for 26 work packages. A total of 21 as-built drawings and 41 redline drawings were developed, documenting a wide array of vessel system. LCE’s depth of knowledge and vast engineering experience played a vital role in the successful completion of this large scale multidiscipline project.



  • Engineering Study: Shore Power Requirement Survey

A shore power requirements study was conducted onboard the Container & Roll-on/Roll-off vessel USNS 1st LT HARRY L. MARTIN (T-AK 3015) to analyze the vessel power demands under a previously unforeseen operating scenario. The study analyzed the amount of shore power capacity that would be required if the vessel was placed in Reduced Operational Status 5 (ROS-5) with cargo stored on board. The “Cargo on Board” condition assumes the operation of the vessel’s dehydration equipment, house air conditioning with associated pumps, fuel and lube oil purifiers as needed, a complete working galley, one cargo crane and stern ramp operation with all other vessel power demands that would be provided via shore power without having to operate the Ship’s Service Generators. This status would also include the crew members living aboard the vessel. LCE conducted an extensive ship check of the vessel in Guam, analyzing the existing power distribution system as well as the specific requirements of this possible scenario. A complete electric plant load analysis (EPLA) was developed to determine the required shore power capacity under the new scenario. LCE delivered the analysis along with a thorough report summarizing the findings.


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