Cloud Infrastructure and Virtualization

LCE provides expertise in configuration, maintenance, provisioning, and operation of virtual and cloud platforms.  As more and more federal government computing systems utilize Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) technologies, our professionals stay at the forefront of these technologies to ensure best performance, security, and resiliency in cloud solutions.


LCE’s cloud infrastructure and virtualization solutions and services include:

  • Virtualization- As experts in virtualization, LCE professionals use products such as VMware and OpenStack to establish and maintain virtual infrastructures for small and large programs. Once the infrastructure is established, we create virtual machines (VMs) configured to provide high availability and to distribute resources that maximize memory, CPU, and disk space for Federal computing environments.
  • Establishment of a private cloud– Using virtualization technologies such as VMware and Red Hat OpenStack, we develop, implement, and support the accreditation of private clouds for a range of customers. Our private clouds allow secure remote access and operational flexibility that comply with DoD security standards.
  • Migration to a public cloud – Our professionals architect, schedule, test and execute the migration of systems from hardware, data centers, and private Clouds to a public cloud such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), milCloud, milCloud 2.0 or GovCloud. Compared to other hosting solutions, public clouds are a resilient, well-distributed, and lower-cost solution for our customers.

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