Waterfront Maintenance Customer Success

  • Life Cycle Engineering Successfully Executes LCS Preventive Maintenance Availability

    The U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) are fast, agile, mission-focused, and platform-designed for operations in near-shore environments, yet are also capable of open-ocean operations.

  • Ensuring Functional Air-Conditioning Units Helps to Keep Destroyer at Sea

    The Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) is a NAVSEA Echelon IV command responsible for providing technical assistance, equipment assessment, and industrial maintenance oversight for Hull, Mechanical & Electrical (HM&E) and Combat Systems equipment on U.S. Navy surface ships, aircraft carriers, and submarines in the port of Hampton Roads, Virginia. 

  • By Correctly Diagnosing a Diesel Generator Problem, LCE Helps the Navy Create a Fleet-wide Fix

    Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) provides the Navy's primary technical expertise and facilities for both naval machinery research and development and naval machinery lifecycle engineering.

  • LCE’s SEA Coach to the Rescue: Troubleshooting Get Ship Repairs Back on Schedule

    The mission of COMNAVAIRPAC (Commander Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet) is to support the Pacific Fleet and Unified Commands by providing combat-ready Naval Aviation Forces which are trained, manned, interoperable, maintained and supported. This includes 79 squadrons operating 1,600 aircraft and six aircraft carriers

  • LCE Equips Sailors with Diesel Engine Training

    The Propulsion, Power and Auxiliary Machinery Systems Department of the U.S. Navy’s Naval Surface Warfare Center in Philadelphia (NSWCPD) is responsible for all auxiliary systems for surface and undersea vehicle machinery, ship systems, equipment and material

  • By Finding and Fixing the Right Problem, LCE SEA Coaches Help Navy Sailors Learn New Skills and Save Maintenance Dollars

    The engineering department of the U.S. Navy’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) directly supports Fleet and Type Commanders with waterfront technical and logistics services and maintenance training associated with the installation, operation, maintenance, and readiness of shipboard equipment and systems. The engineering group’s mission is to design, build, deliver and maintain ships and systems on time and on budget for the U.S. Navy. They are the leaders of the ship repair industry in all aspects of ship maintenance.

  • Managing Part Inventory

    The Carrier Network, Navigation and Steering Controls Branch of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD), also known as Code 525, provides in-service engineering for ship navigation systems and integrated bridge control systems. They also provide waterfront planning, development, implementation, execution, maintenance and upgrading support.

  • LCE’s SEA Coaches Keep the Fleet Mission Ready

    In the early 1980s, the U.S. Navy began development of a new mine countermeasures (MCM) force, which included two new classes of ships and minesweeping helicopters. The vital importance of the state-of-the-art mine countermeasures force was strongly underscored in the Persian Gulf during the eight years of the Iran-Iraq war, and in Operations Desert shield and Desert Storm in 1990 and 1991 when Avenger and Guardian conducted MCM operations.

  • LCE’s SEA Coaches Keep ACU-4’s LCAC mission ready

    Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) is tasked by NSWC Code 425 with providing On-Site Representation (OSR) to ACU-4. LCE currently has two Shipboard Equipment Assessment (SEA) Coaches assigned to this command.

  • Going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty to Restore an Ammunition Strikedown System

    Quick thinking and an extra dose of resourcefulness allows LCE to provide speedy technical assistance that minimizes downtime.

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