Organizational Change Management in Support of Asset Management

This paper recaps a conference session presented by Rick Wheeler (LCE) and Rebecca Rostar (Lansing Board of Water and Light) at CEATI International’s ( Asset Management (AMIG) and Strategic Asset Management (SAMP) Fall 2020 Workshop Series: Planning for the Future.

Why is Organizational Change Management so important to strategic asset management?

At Life Cycle Engineering, what we’ve learned over our 40 years of coaching clients on asset management best practices is that the technology’s the easy part. The hard part is changing the culture – getting people to adopt a new way of doing business when they may have done a job a certain way for 30 years.

Increasingly, professionals in the energy and industrial markets are familiar with the ISO 55000 standard for asset management, including the foundational concepts of establishing an asset management policy and strategy. Once a corporate leadership team has determined they’re going to adopt an asset management program that measures up to the standard’s best practices, what should the next step be? We would recommend adopting a sound organizational change management methodology.

What is Organizational Change Management (OCM)?

Prosci, the global leader in change management best practices research describes it as “the application of a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome.”

Many of us are PMPs, project managers, and we've worked the technical side of change a lot. But the people side of change is what’s crucial for successful transformations. Simply stated, if the people don't change, there is no change. A company can develop new policies and procedures but if people don't adjust the way they do their work, if they don't adopt the new procedures and implement those changes, then no change really occurs. So the achievement of the organization really is the result of the combined effort of the people.

Read the full conference recap

To learn more about including Organizational Change Management in your asset management strategy, please contact us at or call 843-740-7110.

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