Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance and Testing is an FSG core competency that we leverage across all projects. Testing is common to all software development regardless of model, methodology or processes. Our goal is to deliver the right product built the right way.

  • Testing knowledge: We subscribe to the Testing Body of Knowledge (TMBOK) defined by the International Institute of Software Testing. We constantly work to improve the knowledge base for all employees engaged in QA. Our testers are subject matter experts on testing activities and can provide expertise ranging from requirements to implementation.
  • Thorough testing: When we don't have complete requirements, objectives, or parameters, our testers can fill in the blanks to provide a comprehensive testing solution. Defining this information improves the overall testing effort and produces more accurate results for the program. In the absence of knowing what the program is supposed to do, testing can always be accomplished by sticking to what the program actually does.
  • Complete analysis and reporting: Test cases should not allow for guess work or opinion. A good test case will always have either a 'Pass' or 'Fail' outcome. Basing our analysis on factual evaluation provides customers the necessary information to make informed decisions on risk acceptance and prioritizing fixes. Good defect report writing is often overlooked in the industry, but is something we stress here at LCE. "This doesn’t work" will never be good enough.


For More Information

843.744.7110 | info@LCE.com


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