The use of one or more EAM / CMMS systems is common in industry. Millions of dollars are spent procuring these systems but the actual set up and roll out to the end users is often truncated, resulting in poor understanding and use of the system. This frustrates the end users and results in the development of work arounds. Ultimately, the organization fails to achieve the anticipated benefits.
The EAM / CMMS workstream includes the processes that should be used to realize the value of the system and allow the users to provide the documents and report the data required to make the correct asset management decisions.
Scope of Services:
Assessments, coaching in process development, and over-the-shoulder coaching in these areas:
- Configure to Match Work Processes
- Configure Multiple User Profiles
- Configure Chart of Accounts
- Configure Approval Hierarchy
- Formal User Guide / Training Materials
- Integrate eAM/CMMS with Business Management Software
- MOC Process for Configuration Changes
- KPIs and Reports
- Scheduled Data Audits
The LCE subject matter expert will teach the organization to deploy the required processes, resulting in an increased understanding of the administrative processes that govern how the software is configured, how master data is recorded, how users are trained, and how the software and data will be managed.
- EAM / CMMS processes for administering the system